Famine Fight

Our Story

Join us to show what you’re truly looking for. It’s time to start getting what we want, not what others want for us.

Our Mission

To amplify the demands of the people and help those in need.

Our Story

The inspiration for Famine Fight all began in October 2010 when Robert Murphy challenged Paul Krugman to a debate surrounding Austrian Business Cycle Theory vs Keynesian Business Cycle Theory where monetary pledges were collected that would ultimately be sent to a New York Food Bank if and only if Paul Krugman debated him. By March of 2013 the event had collected $106,000 in pledges at which time the company hosting the pledging service took their company in a different direction and Robert Murphy’s pledge fund was closed.

Bryan Lirette, the founder of Famine Fight was very intrigued by this style of promotion. The power of discourse and exchanging ideas through debate is very powerful in building prosperous societies and connecting pledges to help those in need seemed like an amazing concept. So, in 2020 the domain faminefight.com was created and so started the creation of the platform you’re on today.

Public opinion sets bounds to every government, and is the real sovereign in every free one.James Madison 

Whenever the election season for political office begins, the politicians honor the public as the wise planners of society and seek their counsel in hopes of becoming their future representatives. Once in office, politicians and the public tend to forget their purpose in society. This platform is the reminder.

With all the concerns people have today, the priority to address the issues, find the solutions, and layout the path has never been more important. The people of the United States are all experiencing the problems with inflation and trying to make ends meet, social friction spreading into business and the market place, current A.I. developments that are promising a future with unknown consequences, and growing political division that has developed into separate ecosystems. The social interaction has changed in America and The United States 2024 Presidential Election looks to be the most important election of our time and the stakes for change are stronger than ever among the people of this once revered nation.

What do intellectuals and opinion makers get from big government? An increasing number of cushy jobs in the bureaucracy, or in the government-subsidized sector, staffing the welfare regulatory state, and apologizing for its policies, as well as propagandizing for them among the public. To put it bluntly, intellectuals, theorists, pundits, media elites, etc. get to live a life which they could not attain on the free market, but which they can gain at taxpayer expense.” Murray Rothbard


The Famine Fight Community

To put it plainly, the Famine Fight community is all of us. We are all moving about in society to build the society and yet we are more divided it seems than ever. For whatever reason that seems to be the trend and we at Famine Fight give an opportunity for people wanting to change it up.

Famine Fight has created a machine in which the people can’t be denied. The people’s wants will be known but most importantly the response of the person to answer their wants will be known. Our aim is to bring individuals with the same interests, with the same goals to one place where they can become an undeniable force. Our platform aims to concentrate, focus, and spread the growing interest in special events from the public. Without the people, we are just a website but with the power the people truly hold we can only imagine how big these movements can become. The strength of this movement is with you, so stand up with us and let’s put the ball in the court it belongs in.

“In fact, if law were restricted to protecting all persons, all liberties, and all properties; if law were nothing more than the organized combination of the individual’s right to self-defense; if law were the obstacle, the check, the punisher of all oppression and plunder — is it likely that we citizens would then argue much about the extent of the franchise?”
―Frédéric Bastiat, The Law

Founded to Rebuild Societies

We believe that the truth always comes to light and trust that the people in our communities will come to the right conclusions. We have no interest in what they think but what they want. We dare to play with unscripted education and entertainment and simply let the chips fall where they may.